



从历史上看,印度和英国有着悠久的关系,可以追溯到英国殖民时代。苏纳克成为了第一位印度裔英国首相,那么印度人今天对英国有何看法?他们对英国的殖民历史有何看法?我们Asian Boss的记者走访德里街头一探究竟。

S. Taylor
As someone of UK descent I'm really embarrassed about what the UK did to India and other former colonies. It's disgusting and I'm embarrassed that some of my ancestors might have been involved in that. I think younger generations are talking about colonisation more however there's still older people in Westerns countries who defend the atrocities and say very racist things. It's a lot to do with the media and education system as some old people didn't get a proper education and so all they know is ignorance. It's very frustrating because us younger people have to educate older relatives and try and make them understand that racism is bad and that past and present colonisation is a violation of human rights.
My name is Aminé
I’m always fascinated by many Indians having an overwhelmingly positive opinion of the U.K. after what we did to India. We don’t teach it in school, we completely erase it from our history and act like colonising India was actually a good thing and India should be grateful
It’s just not similar to how say, the Koreans or Chinese I’ve met have responded when I asked about their feelings toward Japan, where I noticed more negative responses.
Our research finds that Britain’s exploitative policies were associated with approximately 100 million excess deaths during the 1881-1920 period, write Sullivan and Hickel[British Raj(1904-1906)/--Wikimedia
Experts agree that the period from 1880 to 1920 – the height of Britain’s imperial power – was particularly devastating for India. Comprehensive population censuses carried out by the colonial regime beginning in the 1880s reveal that the death rate increased considerably during this period, from 37.2 deaths per 1,000 people in the 1880s to 44.2 in the 1910s. Life expectancy declined from 26.7 years to 21.9 years
Alapan Das
Three things click to my mind about U.K: 1) colonizers and creators of most of the major geopolitical problems, 2) The century old world class universities and those great alumni 3) James Bond and Mr. Bean.
When British arrived in India the Indian contribution to the world was 23%. The time when British left it was down to less than 3%.
And some Indians are saying British rule was good
Funny to see the young people still see England as a sort of paradise and disregard the colonial mentality they still have. This in fact hinders India's own development. The older guy was the most balanced about the bilateral situation.
Banana Boiii
How come when you guys interview countries like Japan, Korea, and China, the interviews are done in their native languages and then subtitled, but not in India? I think they would be able to better express their opinions in their own language (not that their English isn't good but I still think it's easier to communicate in your native language).
Yes, there are hundreds of languages in India, but these interviews are mostly done in Mumbai, so why not use Hindi or Marathi? If it's in another region then just get a host from that region (which Asian Boss did with the North-east).
Yes, many people in India speak English if you think 10% of the whole population is a lot. English is known mostly by wealthier people, and when the interviews are conducted in English you are excluding 90% of the population from participating.
是的,印度有数百种语言,但这些采访主要是在孟买进行的,所以为什么不用印地语或马拉地语呢?如果是在其他地区,那就从那个地区找一个主流语言(Asian Boss对印度东北地区的采访就是这么做的)。
ree ko
As an Indian I feel most of them said rubish except for few..
Firstly rishi sunak is not Indian he is of Indian origin that's it!
So him being PM of Britain is not our pride it's just that we feel good that british accepted multicultural vibe of accepting a non white face as their PM but again not everyone did mostly they were choiceless.
And Yes most indians are ok with british coz it's been sometime and you can't keep the Attrocities they did long time ago that in mind... Ht they gave us great railway system.
I must say.....99% people in India has totally opposite THOUGHTS...We can forgive what happened to us but we can never forget ‼️‼️
我必须说......99% 的印度人(与视频中的印度人)有完全相反的想法......我们可以原谅发生在我们身上的事,但我们永远不能忘记!
Sumit Adhikari
Asking Indians doesn't mean asking people from Delhi..... Come to Western Southern or even Eastern India and ask about Britishers... You will get opposite answers of what you heard.... Delhi didn't saw massacre.. But Eastern India saw it
As an Indian, these people didn't even know the history and this is called a 'Colonial Mindset'. They didn't have knowledge that what the British did to us.
Lakshit Ahari
My grandfather once said that this more westernised new generation will never realise the true pain and ruin British rule brought on us. And now I can finally say He was right.
Brown guy
As an Indian I would like to clarify that this people doesn't represent our opinion


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